How We Got Here in 2019. A Military History of the CSA, Unreconstructed Confederates, and Mass killings
In short, Moscow Mitch’s refusal to investigate mass shootings in America is because American “Conservatives” deep down believe these killings are justified and represent a form of continued resistance to the Union. These people are not Americans. They are Deep Cover Confederate Operatives. (Why do you think they always do the counter-counterintel of “The Democrats run the real plantations. Republicans are the party of Lincoln!” Because those CSA boys are about to get made and are trying to throw the dogs off the scent) Know your Slave owners, folks.
- 1948: Truman Integrates the US military via Executive Order 9981: Desegregation of the Armed Forces (1948)
2. 1948 — Strom Thurmond and the Dixiecrats
3. 1954 — Brown v Board of Education
4. 1956 — Massive Resistance —
5. 1957 — Little Rock Nine
6. 1964 — Civil Rights Act
7. 1968 — The Southern Strategy and Nixon
8. 1971 — the Lewis Powell Memo creates a Conservative Media sphere
9. 1994 -2004
10. 1996 Ban on CDC studying guns as a public health scourge the NRA as gun lobby
11. School shootings in America 1998 — present
12. Iraq War