The Voyage of the Gaels to Merry Kay
Slur along with me O Muse
The words to this mighty song
Our hearts are sober
We haven’t a drop to drink
We slurring those who’ve wronged us
Let us sing of their destruction
And their civilization at the brink
“A Guinness, a gasket
Soda bread in a basket
This Dumb Florida Bitch is speaking
with a Shit Irish Accent. “
Oxy and Doxxy liked
to compete
to see
who could toss more half smoked Virginia Slims butts
into the street
The only reason I learned guitar was because i wanted to be a rock and roll star but realized that nobody wanted to listen to the bullshit of a teenaged Jim Morrison wannabe. In high school, I was one of the poetry kids. Shocker. My first job was at Barnes and Noble. There, I came across Lipstick Traces by Greil Marcus and found out about The Situationists. Why create art as a commodity, when you could create art as an experience? That idea crippled my ability to produce poetry for years. Probably until I finally moved to Taiwan. Over the past ten years, I’ve been writing scraps and bits and pieces of poems short and long.
So as part of my turning 40 crisis ;), I’m getting back to my old Poetry Roots. Playing with words is the one boundless joy that can never be taken from a man.
I intend to write the Epic Poem of the Irish in America. “The Voyage of The Hibernians to Amerikay”. And I intend to write it in my grandfather’s city that my father was living in the day The Greatest of The Irish Americans was slain in the city my father was living in. It will be about the five generations of the Irish American Experience from the Famine to Myself:
JAYMAC (From Ireland to Pine Bluff) — Fenian
GEOMAC (From Pine Bluff to Paris) — Post Fenian
SIRMAC (From Paris to Dallas) — Irish Tenors Radio and Hi Fi
ARMAC (from Dallas to Ft. Worth) — Second Gen Irish Trad, some hippie trad, and that Phil Coulter Celtic Mystic Crap.
MAIJAX (From Ft. Worth to Dallas) — Fourth Gen Trad
There will also be an overlap with OMPE and Lordian Energy Theory
and that just makes fucking sense…
If Italian-American food is considered just another regional Italian food, then Meiriceá is just the 33rd county of Ireland.
Nobody has written an epic poem about the Gaels* in the US and how half of us are perfect, noble and beautiful. The other half of us of are wretched, soul-crippled man-orcs driven by genetic fear of blight and a craven desire for respectability that causes a desire to oppress all the other crayons in the American box.
I am writing that Epic Poem.
“Brendan! Is that what you figured Padraig was teaching us? The seamróg weren’t about the Holy Trinity. Have you ever looked closely at a seamróg?”
“I have. They look EXACTLY like women’s asses. Have you ever looked closely at a woman’s ass?”
“I have never even SEEN a woman’s ass, let alone looked closely at it. If they look like seamróg even better for women’s asses. I suppose…”
“No. Dammit. The point was that the Holy Trinity isn’t the Father, The Son, The Spirit. No. No. No. That’s Rómhánach thinking. The Trinity is right here. In the damn plant. It is The Natural World, The Body, The Divine. The Lord is HERE, Brendan!”
“So….. so….. what you’re saying is that…. what you’re saying is that … The Trinity is a girl’s butt?”
“ahhh for fuck’s sake…”
The Baby Boomer section will consist of Poems like this rough draft:
The Burial of Mike Pence, a grotesquerie
Part the First:
Mike Pence was an apostate
It was great when he died of cancer of the prostate
lying prostrate in the ground
As the real Catholics gathered round
A cadre of homosexuals rode the fuck truck to pound town
Like dutiful Apostles listening to the gospels
squatting on the Mount,
more numerous than newspapers could easily put to count, the Knights of Columbus unhitched their trousers,
the good Catholic ladies they all went wowsers,
The largest Knight, a portly man of fifty
with a gut like a barrel of cheap bourbon whiskey
exclaimed “At the wake, I sure was a glutton.
I downed a whole cow, lakes of coffee,
forests of beef, a flagon of wine, ice cream of toffee
All to prepare,
with sacramental care
to bury this heretic bastard
He was such a piece of shit,
we devised the only poetic way to deal with it”
With that he squatted down in the Oriental manner amid shouts, laughter, lewd raucous banter
while loosening his sphincter
and clearing his boxers
out spewed a torrent most toxic
Foul, abhorrent, a malodorous stench
it lay waste to the mourners on the felted green bench. klaxons sounded HAZMAT arrived
As he squeezed out the last drops of poop-tinted primer vigorously he motioned “Next” to a pious old timer.
Old Vincentious in Latin proudly proclaimed “The Tridentine Rite was truly quite lame
I gibbered, I blobbered, I never quite got it But just like a priest in the old fashioned Mass Iʼll turn my back showing the People my ass”
by the aide of a cane, the support of his brothers
he removed his pantaloons with no help from the others
his bony assed buttocks
withered and bare, gave the girlfolk a fright
as he smiled and donated his shite.
My own personal interest is in how the Irish American community across the five generations from The Famine until now have changed and morphed. From this, I can tell you — there are very technical and legit differences between the generations in America.
Barry Lord’s Energy Changes and OMPE Theory
I. The first change between American generations has been hydrocarbons. The Generation before them and the Greatest Generation won the Second World War with billions of barrels of oil pumped out of Pennsylvania, Texas, and California oil wells, as well as a variety of other places. Oil enabled them to create the Pax Americana of Post WWII — The WTO, The IMF, The World Bank, The UN — all American created organizations designed to prevent the outbreak of a third destructive global conflict. And we pretty much succeeded. But in 1964, America reached peak oil and ceased to be a net exporter of oil. 1964 was also the year oil overtook coal as the leading source of hydrocarbon energy. This decline in American oil production also begins the decline in Raw American Global Power. The Boomers lived through the halcyon days of cheap domestic energy. It shaped their worldviews completely. They were also the first to have to deal with energy instability in 1973, 1977, and 1986. The idea that oil may be decreasing and/or is simply not worth the blood and treasure to maintain bases in The Middle East, East Asia, and Colombia to safeguard the petroleum supply chain is a hard pill to swallow for many.
II. The second is communication devices. The Greatest Generation had radio. The Boomers had TV. Gen X had video games and the internet. The Millennials had the internet 2.0 and the iPhone. The Zorks (or whatever the hell we are calling them) have the iPhone and potentially VR/Augmented Reality.
All this change in communication technology and information processing has very real effects on the human brain. To the Boomers great credit, SOME of them well and truly and quickly grokked this. Stewart Brand, Jobs, and Wozniak — pretty much all the tech hippies understood how info tech was going to make things different. There’s a reason Marshall McLuhan has that hilarious scene in “Annie Hall”. Most people understand nothing of his work. And even less of his mentor Walter Ong, SJ. (Check out Orality and Literacy for more in depth ideas on how technologies of the world impact human worldviews.) To the Boomers great detriment, MOST of them completely didn’t get this and remained passive consumers of media. And still do. There is an incredible lack of critical reception on the part of Boomer consumption of mass media — this is why Fox News has been so deeply influential, yet most of Fox is little more than gaslighting propaganda.
As much as this article appears to be generation bashing, there are very real differences between American Generations.
Sean Hannity is such a cuck
The dicks he sucks are so big
you barely register they’re there
Like a Hyper-Object — Global Warming, The Internet, Space Debris
Sean’s got Sasanach cock pumping
The Anti-Communist pro-business hot jizz
so deep in his stomach
The homonunclei drop out his anal sphincter
barely cognizant they just got shot out
of Protestant prostate
flung through space
wasted on Sean the Lie-rish
taking the soup
ensuring his Gael grace
to be shat out as assimilated poop.