
The Common Places of Siliconía
3 min readAug 17, 2019


To explain my recent research in all things Hibernian, part of it is due to Beto O’Rourke. (I gotta write that dude a letter pleading with him to run for Senate and build a chieftancy here in Texas, instead of going on tour as part of his “Punk Rock President” candidacy. )

On the other hand, you can’t but notice the names of the people surrounding Trump — Pence, Bannon, Hannity, O’Reilly, McEnany, etc. They’re all Irish. Most of them are Irish Catholics or Lapsed (Or in the case of that fuck-tard Pence, an apostate.) Hannity is merely Father Coughlin, without the collar, a hate speech spewing, Church Militant type Mick ranting about the commies taking over the US. It was bullshit when it was part of Modernist America, it was bullshit when Hannity got started in Post-Modernist America. It’s bullshit now at the beginning of the Anthropocene.

In the background of this was what I’ve called “The Jack Ryan Problem” — How could Conservative Irish Catholics in the 1980s kill their correligionists in Central America? The CIA, using the School of Americas in Ft. Benning, built up the Death Squads in El Salvador, etc. These Death Squads went after bases de comunidad and other largely Catholic communities in Central America. Hell, the CIA all but pulled the M-16 trigger on Oscar Romero.

The Micks cleave clean in half — One part is Alec Baldwin and the other is Jack Ryan.



The larger context is what I’ve called “The Long War”. On a Annals School, “longee duree” level, (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longue_durée — for those of you who need to brush up on your historiography), (Stuart Coyle this is deep Mahanian shit right here, man.) there has been a Long War for the control of the North Atlantic. It started with the Irish saving civilization. But then the Vikings burned everything down on their way to fighting the Skraelings. Then in 1169 THE ONLY FUCKING ENGLISH POPE IN HISTORY said “Yeah go ahead and invade Ireland, it’ll be ok.” and the perfidious Normans landed in Wexford and began farming crystal for Upper Class White Ladies on Long Island (which had yet to be settled. It was a highly speculative venture — precisely why they needed the blessing of the ONLY FUCKING ENGLISH POPE IN HISTORY)

Everything was pretty much in flux until the Iberians figured out how to COME BACK from a Puerto Rican fall break. They repeated this journey three more times and all hell broke lose globally. The Portuguese ran the Indian Ocean and the Spaniards got the Atlantic. The Spaniards ran the Atlantic like a boss until Philip II decided to micromanage every decision in the first Benthic Empire in World History (“Benthic” means Blue-Water. Maritime Thinking aka “Varuna Thought” I think like this. Jason Mamoa thinks like this. You should to, ya dusty landlubber.) The Spanish control over the Atlantic frays with the drubbing of the Armada in 1588. There’s a second attempted invasion a couple of years later. Spanish control of the North Atlantic fails completely at Kinsale, Ireland in 1601. From that point until 1939, the North Atlantic is an English Lake. 338 years of Saxon control. Then during the Great WWII, the North Atlantic became an American Lake.

But the Spanish never went away. They just turned into Mexico. White America has race memory. White Americans are deeply terrified of two things — slave uprising a la L’Overture and Swarthy Men who speak Spanish. The Irish American community is torn in two over this. Half of us easily pass as Hispanics. The other half of us are stuck in Saxonton and can never leave.

Jesus fucking christ, I need to establish an R and X rated Leftist Catholic newspaper column. It’ll be called “PiRho — Liberation Theology Pirate Radio”. I’m about as practicing a Catholic as Fu Manchu, but I am 100% part of the Catholic world, the Catholisphere. I am absolutely 100% a Catholic intellectual. Nothing about how I think makes any sense without a Catholic background. and it’s frustrating, because over my lifetime, the great advances made by the People of God have been knocked down by the Perpetually Adoring Church Militant cunts. The very fact that most of my lineage of priests — Charlie Curran, Jeff Poirot and others are either dead a la Larry Breedlove and his diocesan ilk OR banned from saying Mass in the D and FW diocesesasessneazieses

In the post-Amazon, fat tail, infinite SKU world, there’s gotta be a niche for a Anarcho-Situationist, Leftist, Daoist Irish American Catholic with a focus on Maritime History and Issues.



The Common Places of Siliconía
The Common Places of Siliconía

Written by The Common Places of Siliconía

How we got from there to here and the sites along the way

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