Trump and The Hapsburg Chin
Here’s why I hate Trump, anybody who supports him and the fucking Republicans in general:
Trump LOVES to be the center of attention. We all know this. But there’s a second part to him. Trump HATES losing face. Fucking hates it. But he LOVES being the center of attention more than he HATES losing face. SO…
We get the shit show we have before us over the past few days where Trump says some on-its-face dumb shit like “I have total authority!” No you don’t you fucktard. Even a ten minute cursory run through a child’s copy of the Constitution would have made separation of powers pretty clear. But Trump can’t even be bothered to fucking do even that.
Trump is so fucking arrogant that he doesn’t care that he’s fucking stupid. He knows he’s fucking stupid, but he doesn’t care because he’s got enough money to make it go away. (This is the moral equivalent of the Hapsburg Chin.)
Trump doesn’t know shit from shinola. ABOUT ANYTHING GOING ON!!!! NOT STATE CRAFT. NOT MEDICINE. THAT FUCK DOESN”T EVEN KNOW ABOUT REAL ESTATE. The one thing he knows — how to draw in a TV audience. And he suckered an entire fucking generation raised on The Howdy Doodie TIme. As Federico Lertora used to say “It only takes ONE punch!”
Anyway, Trump gets on TV. Says something outrageously stupid, but with serious fucking consequences. Governors really don’t like having their toes stepped on. (Consider Kathleen Blanco’s tragically slow time to call Bush for help during Katrina). And the governors across the country immediately push back. And Trump has to recant the very next fucking day “Maybe I don’t have TOTAL Authority. But I can still rape your sister if I want to.” And all the harley-riding meth rednecks in Flyover County, Wisconsin will chuckle “Shucks, I bet you sure could, Mr. President.”
You can bet your ass, Trump takes his anger at losing face out on the media. He barely takes it out on his staff. He’s a well known physical coward who doesn’t actually confront people in real life. But the media? They’re faceless assholes who embarrassed him. So Trump gets pissed off and blames the media for making him look bad. I don’t know if this is real or fake. I think his anger at the media is not a premeditated strategy. I think this part is genuine. He stews in anger at the TV all day. Over shit he fucking occasioned hisssown damn self. It’s as if he were allergic to Mexican food, but went to Pancho’s, ate a whole bunch of enchiladas, and then shat himself and got mad because his wife made him pull the car over then she called an Uber home.
Trump lauds himself a TV/Media genius. And to an extent, he is. But he has a fucking weak spot and instead of hiding it, he more or less flaunts it. And then whimpers in rage when you hit him, asking why are you so mean to him.
It’s no different than his supporters. They hurl vicious fucking attacks at you. Severe shit. But the instant you start attacking back, they curl and screech “Not in the face, not in the face”. The whole fucking movement is a bunch of terrified assed little white kids who got bused into an inner city school and we’re still in week one of a nine month school year. They’re getting their asses handed to them.
To further illustrate my point — When the economic shit hits that fan, are any of the fucking Republicans following the Chicago School of Austerity? Oh fuck no. They’re dolling out paychecks like potatoes on Thanksgiving. Before an economic crisis, the Republicans are hollering mad shit. Severe shit. Heinous things at the Democrats. But the fucking instant an economic crisis hits, the Republicans are instantly followers of John Maynard Keynes. Their beliefs have no fucking cash value.
At the end of the day, Trump’s actions simply don’t follow his speech. He writes checks with his mouth that his ass won’t cash. The GOP talks a mad amount of shit, but writes checks at the end of the day. And the Trumperfux are just talking out of their ass. These groups have beliefs, very strong beliefs, but these beliefs have no cash value. You know who does have cash value — the crazy assed protestant preachers who are dying of COVID-19. Not that those people are any where close to being sane or rational, but their beliefs have cash value. And This is why I think these people are silly.
All the demographics that comprise the Trump Coalition — the economic conservatives, the oil bois, the Boomers of Flyover County, the Neo-sesesh bigots, and all the rest of the Plaquemines Parish krewe of Chalkie Resentment most of them, when push comes to shove, won’t do shit. The only members of this coalition that will actually do shit are the Christian Dominists — Those motherfuckers are dangerous Gnostics.
The End.